Soren Norbo, Ear Training 7 - Ionian with Changing Chromatic Scale Degree

Cover photo: Karolina Zapolska

Soren Norbo, Ear Training 8 - Ionian with Changing Chromatic Scale Degree - With Accompaniment

Cover photo: Karolina Zapolska

Soren Norbo, Ear Training 9 - Ionian to Chromatic - One Voice

Cover photo: Karolina Zapolska

Ear Training 7

Focus is still on functional pitch recognition, but now, you will get a chance to practice each chromatic scale degree thoroughly, in combination with the ionian scale.
Every part (4 tracks) has one chromatic scale degree at a time. Ear Training 7 Is almost similar to Ear Training 4 – 6.

Index. 5 parts with 4 tracks each, consisting of:

1 note. Imitate.

2 notes. Listen to both notes before imitating.

3 notes. Listen to all three notes before imitating.

4 notes. Listen to all four notes before imitating.

SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).

PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.



Scale degree, ionian:
do (I)  re (II)  mi (III)  fa (IV)  so (V)  la (VI)  ti (VII)

Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I)  ra (bII)  ri (#II)  me (bIII)  fi (#IV)  se (bV)  si (#V)  le (bVI)  li (#VI)  te (bVII)   

Ear Training 8

Ear Training 8 has the same progression as Ear Training 7. 
Focus is, as on the previous 6 exercises, on functional pitch recognition. You will practice each chromatic scale degree, in combination with the ionian scale. Supported and challenged by a piano accompaniment.
Every part (4 tracks) has one chromatic scale degree at a time. 

Index. 5 parts with 4 tracks each, consisting of:

1 note. Imitate.

2 notes. Listen to both notes before imitating.

3 notes. Listen to all three notes before imitating.

4 notes. Listen to all four notes before imitating.


SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).

PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.


Scale degree, ionian:
do (I)  re (II)  mi (III)  fa (IV)  so (V)  la (VI)  ti (VII)

Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I)  ra (bII)  ri (#II)  me (bIII)  fi (#IV)  se (bV)  si (#V)  le (bVI)  li (#VI)  te (bVII) 

Ear Training 9

Ear Training 9 is a variation of Ear Training 4 – 6.

Now, you will listen only to one single voice on each track.

This will allow you to dig into
functional pitch recognition, without the challenge of having to recognize and remember more than one note at a time.

It starts off with ionian scale and add one chromatic scale degree at a time, ending up with ionian scale plus all the chromatic scale degrees.


Index. 6 parts with 5 tracks each, consisting of:

Four tracks with one voice. Imitate.
Improvisation. Imitate in real time.

SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).

PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.


Scale degree, ionian:
do (I)  re (II)  mi (III)  fa (IV)  so (V)  la (VI)  ti (VII)

Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I)  ra (bII)  ri (#II)  me (bIII)  fi (#IV)  se (bV)  si (#V)  le (bVI)  li (#VI)  te (bVII)