Cover photo: Karolina Zapolska
Ear Training 2
Scale degree melodies to the tonic. All related to the ionian scale.
This is an initial exercise. Proceed to Ear Training 3 – 15.
Index. 4 parts consisting of:
Ionian scale degree melodies, one at a time, starting from a new note each time.
All ionian scale degree melodies, starting from the same note each time.
Chromatic scale degree melodies, one at a time, starting from a new note each time.
All chromatic scale degree melodies, starting from the same note each time.
SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).
PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.
Scale degree, ionian:
do (I) re (II) mi (III) fa (IV) so (V) la (VI) ti (VII)
Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I) ra (bII) ri (#II) me (bIII) fi (#IV) se (bV) si (#V) le (bVI) li (#VI) te (bVII)
Ear Training 3
Do-ti-fa-mi towards ionian (1-7-4-3 towards ionian).
Proceed hereafter to Ear Training 4 – 12.
Index. 4 parts, with 3 tracks each, consisting of:
1 note. Imitate.
2 notes. Listen to both notes before imitating.
3 notes. Listen to all three notes before imitating.
Extra: Improvisation (ionian). Imitate in real time.
SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).
PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.
Scale degree, ionian:
do (I) re (II) mi (III) fa (IV) so (V) la (VI) ti (VII)
Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I) ra (bII) ri (#II) me (bIII) fi (#IV) se (bV) si (#V) le (bVI) li (#VI) te (bVII)