Soren Norbo, Ear Training 10 - Two Voices - Ionian to Chromatic

Cover photo: Karolina Zapolska

Soren Norbo, Ear Training 11 - Three Voices - Ionian to Chromatic

Cover photo: Karolina Zapolska

Soren Norbo, Ear Training 12 - Improvisations - Ionian to Chromatic

Cover photo: Karolina Zapolska

Ear Training 10

Ear Training 10 is structured as Ear Training 9, but with 2 voices.


You can choose to follow one voice or the other. Or you can imitate both simultaneously.

The theme is still functional pitch recognition. The 2 voices should be heard as scale degrees. It is secondary that the 2 voices also create an interval.

It starts off with ionian scale and add one chromatic scale degree at a time, ending up with ionian scale plus all the chromatic scale degrees. 

Index. 6 parts with 5 tracks each, consisting of:

Four tracks with two voices. Imitate.
Improvisation. Imitate in real time.


SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).

PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.


Scale degree, ionian:
do (I)  re (II)  mi (III)  fa (IV)  so (V)  la (VI)  ti (VII)

Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I)  ra (bII)  ri (#II)  me (bIII)  fi (#IV)  se (bV)  si (#V)  le (bVI)  li (#VI)  te (bVII)   

Søren Nørbo (piano)
Fredrik Lundin (tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone, flute, bass flute)

Ear Training 11

Ear Training 11 is structured as Ear Training 9 and 10, but with 3 voices.

You can choose to follow one of the three voices. Or you can imitate two or three voices simultaneously.

The theme is still functional pitch recognition. The 3 voices should be heard as scale degrees. It is secondary that the 3 voices also create chords.

It starts off with ionian scale and adds one chromatic scale degree at a time, ending up with ionian scale plus all the chromatic scale degrees.

Index. 6 parts with 6 tracks each, consisting of:

A four note sequence with three voices, ending up with a short improvisation.


SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).

PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.

Scale degree, ionian:
do (I)  re (II)  mi (III)  fa (IV)  so (V)  la (VI)  ti (VII)

Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I)  ra (bII)  ri (#II)  me (bIII)  fi (#IV)  se (bV)  si (#V)  le (bVI)  li (#VI)  te (bVII)   

Søren Nørbo (piano)
Fredrik Lundin (tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone, flute, bass flute)
Henrik Sveidahl (soprano saxophone, bass clarinet)

Ear Training 12

Ear Training 12 is improvisation only. From ionian to chromatic. With two voices.

Continue to use functional pitch recognition.

It starts off with ionian scale and add one chromatic scale degree at a time, ending up with ionian scale plus all the chromatic scale degrees.

Index. 6 parts with 4 tracks each, consisting of:

Improvisations with 2 voices. Imitate in real time.



SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).

PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.

Scale degree, ionian:
do (I)  re (II)  mi (III)  fa (IV)  so (V)  la (VI)  ti (VII)

Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I)  ra (bII)  ri (#II)  me (bIII)  fi (#IV)  se (bV)  si (#V)  le (bVI)  li (#VI)  te (bVII)   

Søren Nørbo (piano)
Fredrik Lundin (flute, tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone)