Soren Norbo, Ear Training 13 - Eight Minor Modalities

Cover photo: Karolina Zapolska

Soren Norbo, Ear Training 14 - With Accompaniment - Eight Minor Modalities

Cover photo: Karolina Zapolska

Soren Norbo, Ear Training 15 - Triads - Ten Modalities

Cover photo: Karolina Zapolska

Ear Training 13

Ear Training 13 presents 8 minor modalities.
It is structured almost like
Ear Training 4 – 6.
You are still supposed to use
functional pitch recognition. You need to figure out the scale degree melodies for yourself.

Index. 8 parts with 4 tracks each, consisting of:

1 note. Imitate.

2 notes. Listen to both notes before imitating.

3 notes. Listen to all three notes before imitating.

4 notes. Listen to all four notes before imitating.


SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).

PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.

Scale degree, ionian:
do (I)  re (II)  mi (III)  fa (IV)  so (V)  la (VI)  ti (VII)

Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I)  ra (bII)  ri (#II)  me (bIII)  fi (#IV)  se (bV)  si (#V)  le (bVI)  li (#VI)  te (bVII)    

Ear Training 14

Ear Training 14 presents 8 minor modalities.
It is structured like Ear Training 13, with piano accompaniment.
You are still supposed to use functional pitch recognition.

Index. 8 parts with 4 tracks each, consisting of:

1 note. Imitate.

2 notes. Listen to both notes before imitating.

3 notes. Listen to all three notes before imitating.

4 notes. Listen to all four notes before imitating.


SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).

PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.

Scale degree, ionian:
do (I)  re (II)  mi (III)  fa (IV)  so (V)  la (VI)  ti (VII)

Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I)  ra (bII)  ri (#II)  me (bIII)  fi (#IV)  se (bV)  si (#V)  le (bVI)  li (#VI)  te (bVII) 

Ear Training 15

Ear Training 15 presents triads in 10 modalities.
You are supposed to use functional pitch recognition.

Listen to the triads as voices. Start with the bass voice. Continue with the treble voice. Try to hear the voices inbetween.

Index. 10 parts with 4 tracks each, consisting of:

Triads in chaning modalities. Imitate. 


SING: Use Solmization (do, re, mi) Scale degree (1, 2, 3) or Notes (c, d, e).

PLAY: On your main instrument or piano.

Scale degree, ionian:
do (I)  re (II)  mi (III)  fa (IV)  so (V)  la (VI)  ti (VII)

Scale degree, chromatic:
di (#I)  ra (bII)  ri (#II)  me (bIII)  fi (#IV)  se (bV)  si (#V)  le (bVI)  li (#VI)  te (bVII)